Dollar Short and a Minute Late

I've been learning Godot, but I wanted the experience of finishing and sharing a more modest project than what I'm working on there.  I stumbled across Bitsy and its' games and jams.  So much accomplished with such simple means!  

I loved the theme of Ritual for then upcoming Ritual 2 Bitsy Jam  and decided to make an entry.   I ended up taking a shine to Mosi, rather than Bitsy, and made a quick prototype on day 1.  Then I totally ADHD-ed it until the last day of the Jam.  It's so frustrating often not feeling properly in control of  your own nervous system.

I powered out though, trying to thread the needles of ambition and completion in my unnecessarily limited time.  Made the hard choice to de-scope some intended content, but I was gonna make it!

Then, BAM.  Showstopping loop of a bug right as I was getting ready to export and submit.  Couldn't get it resolved before the deadline. Game Jam officially missed.  By an actual minute.  I was so discouraged.

I walked away, moaned about it, came back, and fixed up the bug and last second polish, uploaded, and here I am blogging about it.  In hindsight, I probably could've put up a draft before the deadline, and then tried to cram a fix, or release it right afterwards?

Hopefully this creates a painful memory that helps me manage my time better next time.  My main goal was to finish a tiny project and actually upload it, which I did accomplish.

I'm happy with the game at present.  I think I did a lot with the little engine.  I'll probably rev it with dialogue and interaction intended for the first half soon, after I enjoy all the entries of the folks who submitted.


Ritual2v1.html Play in browser
2 days ago

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